Top Five Priorities
Economic Development
The Chamber will proactively explore and champion an aggressive economic development vision
for our community by direct communication and engagement with city, county, regional and
state officials to become the leading voice for a vibrant local economy.
- Create a Chamber Economic Development committee that focuses on growing our communities’ economy from within.
- Continue to work with local government to implement fast-track development review, permitting and inspection processes.
- Continue to champion workforce development for a highly skilled and qualified workforce.
- Champion new ideas like a border tax buffer zone.
- Collaborate with regional and state entities on infrastructure for future needs.
- Expand our role with the Foreign Trade Mission with Mexico
- Host a regional Economic Summit to identify top priorities.
Goal: Create an internationally competitive business environment that facilitates job creation and retention resulting in a vibrant local economy.
Advocacy, Governmental Relations & Public Policy
The Chamber will play the lead role as the independent voice of business by maintaining an active,
informed presence at meeting of and with elected officials. Maintain the highest level of integrity
and transparency throughout all of our advocacy efforts.
- Enhance and leverage our political capital on behalf of business.
- Champion common sense legislation and regulations as well as consistent and fair interpretation and enforcement.
- Recruit and endorse pro-business candidates for key elected and appointed positions.
- Support pro-business initiatives from elected officials or government organizations.
- Develop and introduce pro-business policies and legislation to our government officials.
- Promote the addition of a business ombudsman at both the city and county to work with businesses looking to locate or expand in the region.
- Use our political capital to hold our elected officials accountable
- Fund and staff an official government affairs officer for the Chamber
- Develop a chamber Political Action Committee
Goal: Champion business issues with government and serve as the voice of the greater Las Cruces
business community. Leverage our influence to advance initiatives and policies that position us as the leading economic engine in our region.
Workforce Development
The Chamber will become the umbrella organization assisting with Workforce Development, a
key cog to the area’s future development.
- Continue to work with the business community to support Skill-Ready Doña Ana
- Increase the level of business mentoring in the community
- Determine the direction to help fill the soft skills / essential skills gap in our area
- Seek to secure funding opportunities to insure sustainability of Skill-Ready Doña Ana
- Collaborate with other entities, i.e. The Bridge of Southern New Mexico, DACC, LCPS, to deliver best of breed service to the business community
Goal: To equip and support businesses to capitalize on existing and developing opportunities in our region.
Connecting Business to Opportunities
The Chamber will continue the successful networking events and educational opportunities already
in place and expand into industry specific areas. Celebrate new business and significant business
milestones in the community.
- Introduce more industry specific events and support for expanding business sectors.
- Promote the addition of a business ombudsman at both the city and county to work with businesses looking to locate or expand in the region.
- Partner more closely to leverage opportunities for local businesses to be a part of the growth taking place in Santa Teresa and future growth related to Spaceport America.
- Engage membership to utilize member marketing tools built in to our web platform.
- Assist the business community in leveraging opportunities.
- Continue to grow text messaging, social networking and radio/television communications to better engage the community.
Goal: To equip and support businesses to capitalize on existing and developing opportunities in our region.
Chamber Sustainability
To sustain the growth of the Chamber we must be relevant to the needs of our membership and
provide the highest return possible on their investment. Implementing this strategic plan is a
necessary step in accomplishing that goal in addition to what we are already doing.
- Introduce streamlined tiered dues structure and seek incremental additional support
- Increase new memberships through a new membership committee and on-line option
- Complete Heritage Foundation fundraising goals to finish Phase 2 by end of 2017.
- The President’s Advisory Council on Business and Economic Development
- Recruit local experts and business leaders to be board members and committee chairs.
- Submit re-accreditation paperwork with the U.S. Chamber in 2015
- Develop a Relationship Management Plan that targets members, non-members and government officials alike
Goal: To grow the resources of the Chamber to maintain and expand the scope of our work today and in the future.